This week we will examine conditions that occur secondary to alterations of the hematologic system.  The following conditions will be explored.  You will create a case study, the patient/client could be one you cared for at work or in clinical (please be confidential); or, you may create a patient/client. Please write in complete sentences.

Create a short case study to include:

  1. Patient/client (use initials)
  2. Age
  3. Gender/Gender identity
  4. Race/ethnicity
  5. Condition selected and location of the patient [hospital emergency department (ED), clinic, home care]
  6. Explain the pathophysiology/pathogenesis of the condition
  7. Clinical manifestations
  8. Evaluation (how are patient’s evaluated — diagnostics/labs)
  9. Treatment (Nursing intervention/education)
  10. Correlate the nursing intervention to a nursing theory
  11. Include Two scholarly articles within five (5) to ten (10) years that are appropriately cited and referenced