Page 4of 8Back to ContentsBMM Combined Assignment 5: People and Organisations, Copyright © EduQual Ltd 2016Human Resource Management (SCQF), Issue 1.0, March 2017Combined Assignment 3: People & Organisations, Human Resource Management The four tasks shown below constitute 90% of the overall mark. 10% of the overall marks for the assignment must be given to ‘Structure andFormat’.You are Head of HR for an organisation of your choice. Prepare a report, aimed at the induction of new, junior HR managers, which must meet the followingrequirements:Task 1

Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture, and their impact on the organisation.

Explain the factors which influence individual behaviour atwork.

Explain how HRM contributes to an organisation’sobjectives.

Analyse the impact of legislation on HRM in the UKtoday.People and Organisations: LO 1; Human Resource Management: LO 1Task 2Describethestagesinrecruitmentandselectionofstaffintheselectedorganisation.Construct a new strategy for theorganisation.

Explain the ways organisations motivateworkers.

Analyse the link between motivational theories, job evaluation and rewards.Human Resource Management: LO 2 ; People and Organisations: LO 2 Task3

Comparetheeffectivenessofdifferentleadershipandmanagementstylesindifferent organisations.

Evaluate the impact of employment-related legislation on employment termination arrangementsby analysingtermination procedures used by your selected organisation.People and Organisations: LO 2; Human Resource Management: LO 3