Using the seven-step process of selecting our topic and narrowing our research focus from pages 85–86 of the textbook, complete the table using the Unit II Template.
In the worksheet, you will complete the following tasks.
Identify the main subject area that you are interested in.
Break down that main subject into at least four subareas.
Select two subareas that interest you the most.
Identify at least three research questions.
Identify specific objectives for your research questions.
Articulate how you would assess your chosen objectives, or from a high-level overview, explain how you would go about gathering data for your proposed study.
Describe your continued interest in your topic. Explain why your topic is important to you, the fire service, or even the world. Explain what would happen if this research was not conducted.
Remember that your research topic should be specific to you and your interests, location, jurisdiction, and station.
After completing the chart, write your problem and purpose statements, and identify your research questions. Then, write a brief background and significance section to justify the research that you are proposing. You should strive to paint a vivid picture of the issue to the readers so they can see the importance of it and why your topic needs to be studied. This section of your submission must be at least one page in length.
Your completed submission, including both sections, must be at least two pages in length, not including the required title and reference pages. It must also contain at least two sources in addition to your textbook. Remember to review the rubric before you begin your essay.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.