BC0-221GLOBAL ECONOMICSFinal Exam& rubricsTask

•This task has to be done individually

•Answer the questions associated with one of the two report topics below.

•Submit your answers in a pdf at the Turnitin section of week 8ReportTopic1: You work at the Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of China. The Ministry Director has requested that you prepare a policy note on the trade relationships of China with the US over the last 20 years.Your task is to prepare a policy notethat covers, the following points using the relevant economic concepts you have seen during the course up to this point:

1.Expose the trends over the last 20 years of the total exports,imports and financial flows (FDI) between China and the US.

2.Identify which percentageof the total exports,which percentage of the total imports, and which percentage of the total FDI receiveddoes China represent for the USA and vice versa.

3.Identify the top 5 products or services that China has been exportingto the US over the last 20 years. Do the same for the USA to China. Have these top 5 products or services exported changed over this period? If yes, why? If not, why?

4.Identify the top 5 products or services that China has been importingto the US over the last 20 years. Do the same for the USA to China. Have these top 5 products or services imported changed over this period? If yes, why? If not, why?The policy note should have the following structure:

oIntroductionoResearch QuestionsAnswer each of the research question using a separate section for each one

oConclusionsClose the presentation with your personal conclusions based on your research

oReferencesReferences and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

•Make sure you provide an objective analysis and that the analysis is backed up with actual data and proper analysis of the trends and figures.Recommended sources:

•Data: Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of Chinahttp://english.mofcom.gov.cn/