Read the below letter from Worried and Waiting, to “Dear Knowitall,” seeking advise. YOU are the advice columnist Knowitall, receiving the letter. Write a response to Worried and Waiting.

For your answer choose one of the following theories and look at the question through the lens of THAT theory: either Freud’s Psychosexual theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial theory, Behaviorism (Operant or Classical Conditioning)

For your response…
1. Include an explanation of how the theory might explain the development of anxiety. You will hypothesize based on what you’ve learned and what you can research. Cite all used resources.

2. Use specific key terms related to the theory, as found in Chapter 2/Screencasts/Research.

3. Give one clear example showing how the test anxiety might have developed according to the theory.

4. Suggest a strategy in alignment with the theory for Worried and Waiting to try, to relieve the anxiety.

5. Cite resources!! APA. (automatic deduction of 3 points if no resources cited.)