TRANSFERFL20Length:2 pages Due Date:September 25thby 5 p.m. via CanvasW.P. Percentage:20%Dana Lynn Driscoll explains in “Connected, Disconnected, and Uncertain” that “The more students know about the writing they will be doing in the future, the better prepared they will be to transfer the writing knowledge they learn in one context into other contexts” (20). For this assignment, you will start exploring the writing youwillbe doing in the future. What is your background in writing? How might you be building upon and pushing past the writing framework and comfort zones you learned in high school? What are your major and future career goals? What type of writing and research will you be doing in those areas? (If you don’t have a set major or career goals (this is understandable!), you might look at the areas that interest you the most at this time.) What might you need to improve upon in order to confidently (or at least be able to!) transfer your writing knowledge and skills to those areas?It is not enough to simply envision the type of writing and research you might be doing in the future. Instead, you’ll need to do a bit of research in order to understand what scholars in your field are actually doing. Youshould talk to a scholar in your areas of interest about the writing and research skills you might anticipate needing, as well as the work they’re currently doing with the aid of these skills. You can also talk to a subject librarianabout the writing andresearch skills they see instructors and students utilizing within those areas of focus (as well as the work thelibrarian may havecompletedin that area!). These interviews can be conducted either byZoom or email—you should ask your interviewee what they prefer. Understandably with much of the university working remotely, it might be difficult to get in touch with a professor or librarian on campus in a timely manner. Keep in mind that you can talk to professionals in the field you’re interested in, and if need be, you can do some research on your own concerning the type of writing you can anticipate in the future(if choosing this last option, please make time to meet with me to discuss the sources you’re using, and you need to provide a works cited with your assignment).The point of this assignment is meant to carry with you throughout the course—initiating transfer. How do skills learned in one unit transfer to the next (you’re constantly building), and how can you transfer what you’ve developed in this course in the continuous building of future writing contexts?