Be sure to review the “Reading Post Criteria” document, especially the word/minute parameters.
Respond to the following in a ~275-word response
Question: How did exploring these articles inform your opinion on whether or not schools should teach students to be patriotic?
Now that you’ve read the Controversy and Primary texts, reference (quotes or paraphrases) at least two of our three primary texts (the three primary texts would be: the two articles in the set you chose and Dotts (2019)) AND one of our two controversy articles (Rosenberg, 2017; Ravitch, 2006) in your written/audio/video response. Feel free to include insights from the other historical eras presented by your classmates as well. The goal is to reflect on what you read and demonstrate that you thought deeply about the controversy and primary texts as well as the class discussions from the Community Activity.
The following prompt questions are a guide to answering the overarching question thoroughly, though it is not required to answer each one:
What does it mean to be patriotic today and how do schools play a part in that?
What are your thoughts about whether or not school athletes should express their views by kneeling in during the pledge? How were you taught–or not taught–patriotism in your own schooling?
Is loving one’s country more nuanced than what is argued by Ravitch and/or Rosenberg?
The last few years have been labeled as one of the most politically polarized in American history. How does our era compare historically and with the historical references throughout these controversy texts?
Remember to include the proper APA citations.
Additional link given to assist with assignments: