Read question 4. How do we address the concerns that officers face in the field, what kind of support do they get and should get.
How do officers deal with stresses and how does that stress spill over into their work in the communities.
The video below demonstrates the impact of stress and urban myths.
What can and should be done?
Please think about solutions that will help us address the stresses and eliminateHow do officers deal with stresses and how does that stress spill over into their work in the communities. and incursions.Question #4
“Inner Cities: Officers’ and Citizens’ Reactions. Toward the end of the chapter, the authors mention the vicious cycle that is created in urban areas, especially where citizens have become increasingly armed with highly sophisticated weapons and officers, consequently, have to take more self-protective measures. Each views the other with fear and animosity and approaches the other with extreme defensiveness. Obviously, there is no simple answer to this widely occurring phenomenon, and police alone cannot solve it. Discuss your observations of the way officers cope with the stresses of these potentially life-threatening situations and how the coping or lack thereof affects relations with African Americans and other minorities. What type of support do police officers need to handle this aspect of their job? Do you think police departments are doing their job in providing the support needed?”