You know the Trolley Problem, and you know it can’t be solved without someone dying…and that seems pretty pointless, doesn’t it?
Yet, fifty years in, we’re still trying to figure it out, knowing we can’t. Yet, you’re going to write a paper about it.
Here’s the question you have to wrestle with:
What does a question like the Trolley Problem teach us? How does it makes us look at larger ideas like Ethics and Law and even Neuroscience (brain stuff)? The ‘unwinnable scenario’ is out there, how do we use it? Examine the ideas here, tell us what you’ve learned and what you think others can learn from confronting this vexing question.
Now, don’t tell me how you think you’d solve it – you already did in the discussion. Don’t tell me you’d pick 5 or 1 or go for lunch – this is about the bigger idea.
No sources, no citation, I don’t care about formatting. Just your brain and what you’ve learned so far. The idea is for me to see how you think, no one else, just you, your voice, your ideas
Give me 3 pages, but feel free to go over. Again, I don’t care about format, I care about how you think and what you say