For each text, your response will answer the following questions:
1. What is the overall purpose/thesis/point of the chapter/essay/article?
2. How ​does the author(s) make their point(s)? What do they discuss? What evidence and
examples do they give?
3. How does the author(s) conceptualize women? feminism? Gender?
4. What is your personal reaction to the piece? How does it make you
feel? To what extent do you agree/disagree and why?
You should format these like you format the film responses – copy and paste the questions into a document and type your responses as short-answers below each question. Your assignments should be a minimum of 1000 words total (or approximately 250 words per question).
This is important: a​ nd this goes for all assignments: ​Your writing needs to demonstrate serious engagement with the text/film/podcast. It should be immediately obvious to me that you read/watched/listened carefully, took notes, thought critically, drafted, edited and revised.
If it looks like you googled for the easiest answers, didn’t really read/watch/listen, just read some summaries online, or are answering the questions as quickly and easily as possible, or if you plagiarize (goddess forbid!) – none of that will count as having even attempted the assignment. I will give you a zero and you won’t have the opportunity to redo it. You should always be doing the very best job that you can do. That’s another life tip.