Part One (at least 250 words):

For this PRP you can EITHER answer one of the questions below…

1) How does the Qur’an’s structure help us understand it’s meaning?

2) What is the difference between the Meccan and Medinan chapters of the Qur’an?

What are the Personal Response Paragraphs (PRPs), including the grading rubric

Personal Response Paragraphs

The Personal Response Paragraphs will require brief, well-written paragraphs in response to questions distributed by the professor. It can be based on any issue that you found noteworthy and interesting. It should be at least 250 words.

Grade (total 10 points):

40% of your grade is based on your writing structure and style, and grammar.

  • pay attention to proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.
    • write complete, clear, and coherent sentences.
    • proper citation style

60% of your grade is based on how well you answer the question(s).

  • articulate a thesis statement that provides direction for the response paragraph.
    • make relevant and consistent connections made between evidence and thesis. Each piece of evidence should add some nuance to the thesis.
    • should demonstrate that you fully understand and have applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts should be integrated into your own insights.
    • body paragraphs should clearly relate to one another. Transitions between paragraphs should be smooth so that response paragraph flows from one issue to the next.
  • Description of grades:

10 pts. Exceeding: This response paragraph does not just fulfill the assignment; it also has something original and important to say and the points it makes are supported by the evidence it marshals. It is organized effectively, develops smoothly, and it is written clearly and correctly. It is based on sources that are clearly related to the points it has to make. Findings from the evidence are integrated into a readable response paragraph. It utilizes concepts and examples presented in the course. It is correct in mechanics, grammar, punctuation, and citation style. Student does not review the material in their writing.