What is climate forcing?
How have humans contributed to climate forcing? Be specific, and talk about one of the following: greenhouse gas emission or albedo.
Link to get you started:
What should you include in the paper? (These are meant to be ideas/hints – you don’t have to (and won’t be able to) include every one of these in each paper)
• What are the main points or ideas of the article? How does this relate to what you have learned in class or what you may know already?
• Does the author(s) address a particular environmental problem? Outline the environmental problem – what is it, for whom is it a problem. What are the potential consequences?
• What solution or solutions are suggested for this particular environmental issue?
• Does the author(s) have a particular point of view or opinion? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
• What questions do you have? What is fuzzy, missing, unclear, or glossed over in the article? What further information or sources would you need to make more sense of this topic?
• What did you have to explore more about in order to understand the article? How did your outside research help in your understanding?
• What does this article say about the future, or the past, of the planet? Does what you learned motivate you to make changes? If so, what sort of changes?