• What are you passionate about? Can you turn this passion into a career?

I am passionate about Chihuahuas (dog breed). If I wanted to be a breeder I could turn this into a career.

  • Do you enjoy working with people, data, or things?

I enjoy working with data.

  • How important are salary, benefits, technology support, and job stimulation?

Salary is the most important factor for me in a job. Benefits are nice to have but not a deciding factor in accepting a job. The job stimulation is another big factor I want to do something I enjoy and will not be bored. Technology support is nice but I am very efficient with technology.

  • Must you work in a specific city, geographic area, or climate?

There is no specific city or geographic area that I am particular to but I would like to stay in a nice warm climate versus snow.

  • Are you looking for security, travel opportunities, money, power, or prestige?

My main thing is money and job security when looking for a job.

  • How would you describe the perfect job, boss, and coworkers.

Perfect job is being my own boss doing computer work for small business’s. Maybe one or two co-workers but ones I do not have to see everyday. The perfect boss is myself.