Instructions: Please answer the following discussion questions. Note: Assigned Reading is below along with the TED Talk video link.
1) How is personality stability and change a topic that is particularly relevant to clinical psychology?
2) Based on the assigned readings (i.e. both the textbook and the article) as well as the TED talk, what takeaways do you have about the implications for clinical psychology?
3) Are there research findings or constructs you would want to share with your clients?
Funder, Chapter 7: Funder, D. (2016). The personality puzzle (7th ed.). Norton & Company.
Article: Sutin, Angelina R.; Costa, Jr., Paul T.; Wethington, Elaine; Eaton, William. (2010). Turning Points and Lessons Learned: Stressful Life Events and Personality Trait Development Across Middle Adulthood. Psychology & Aging, 25(3), 524-533.
Dan Gilbert on how much we change and how much we predict we will. TED Talk (Links to an external site.)
Article: Whitbourne, S. K. (1986). Openness to experience, identity flexibility, and life change in adults. Journal of Personality And Social Psychology, 50(1), 163-168.