In reading and viewing the video assignments for this week, you were given an opportunity to learn more about the concepts of Motivational Interviewing/Enhancement. In thinking about Motivational Interviewing, please answer the following questions in your own words:

-How is the Stages of Change Theory similar to the principles of Motivational Interviewing? Please discuss at least 2 ways and provide examples from the field of human services.

-How is the Stages of Change Theory different to the principles of Motivational Interviewing? Please discuss at least 2 ways and provide examples from the field of human services.

-In thinking about the clients you would like to work with in the field of addictions, how do you think that both viewpoints can be helpful? Please give at least 3 examples.

DB 4.2

Since Motivational Interviewing is a relatively new approach in the field of human services, there are several “myths” that have been identified but have been refuted. Please pick at least 5 myths below and provide 1) your rationale for why the myth developed, 2) your thoughts based on your reading as to why the myth is false, and 3) the “correct” viewpoint demonstrating your understanding of the myth. Please choose from the list below:

-Motivational Interviewing (MI) is confrontational

-MI is too “soft” – addicts need “tough love”

-MI is part of the Transtheoretical Model

-MI does not work because it allows people to relapse

-MI is for treating addictions only

-MI is just a fad

-MI is the only approach that works

-MI is unethical

-There is no proof that MI works

-MI is only available in expensive treatment centers

DB 4.3

Roberto is an older man in his late sixties and is a bit disheveled in appearance. He is accompanied by his landlady to the assessment. The landlady tells you that she found him earlier this evening trying to enter his apartment door. He was sweaty, his eyes where dilated, and his hands were trembling so badly that he could not get the key in the door. He kept calling her by another name and saying he was trying to get into his office to do some work. She knows he retired years ago, has lived in her apartments for several years, and knows her real name. His blood/alcohol level is low and his speech is not slurred. He can correctly identify himself but, also appears confused. He is unable to tell you the month or season. His nose and cheeks are red with tiny spider veins and his stomach distended and when he extends his hands out in front of him they are very tremulous. His demeanor is polite and apologetic to you and the staff. He tells you he has never had a problem with alcohol but scored high on the CAGE assessment test. He then admits to an occasional drink every now and then. He did have a few drinks earlier today but can’t say exactly when. However, he is willing to enter treatment if really thought it was necessary.

In thinking about Roberto’s case, please answer the following questions:

-In thinking about Motivational Interviewing, what would be valuable in the beginning of your work with Roberto? Please give specific examples.

-Pick one of the following statements and describe why you think it is the “most” important factor in addressing Roberto’s issues. Please provide at least 2 examples as to why this is the “most” important statement (and yes, you have to pick just one):

  • Collaboration vs Confrontation
  • Autonomy vs Authority
  • Drawing out his ideas vs your ideas

-How could “change happen” for Roberto according to MI? What would the process look like? Examples?