use this aarticle Nevins, C.M., Sherman, J., Cancola, K., Ihrig, K., Steinfeld, B. & Wagner, W.E. (2019). Influencing exercise and hydration self-care practices of baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Holistic Nursing , 37 (2), 140-147. doi:10.1177/0898010115596432 Answer these questions:
Conduct of the Research (Each item must be addressed)
What was the population of interest and the sample size? How was the sample selected or recruited? Do the researchers describe how they chose the specific characteristics of the sample, the specific sample size or why?
What were the principles of measurement used? What measures were used (questionnaires, photos, abdominal girth, lab values)? If instruments are used, name those specifically. If a qualitative study — what methods were used to solicit or capture information?
What were the specific data collection methods? Was the data collected quantitative or qualitative in nature? How were the participants measured, assessed or interviewed, at what times were they measured, how were the data captured and stored? Do participants have access to the data or the findings of the study?
How were the rights of the participants upheld and protected during the conduct of this research? For example, how was their anonymity preserved? Was there any risk to them during the conduct of the study or afterwards? How were they informed of this? Could they refuse to have their data included even after they participated? Is there institutional review board approval documented?
Were there any problems with the methodology of these studies?
Analysis and Reporting of the Research (Each item shall be reported for your article)
Once the data were collected and stored, how were the data handled? What data analysis methods were reported?
If a quantitative study, what types of statistics were used to analyze the data (descriptive, inferential) – explain?
If a qualitative study describe the analysis steps reported by the researchers.
What generalizability, reliability and/or validity issues do the researchers report? For qualitative research, what are the other factors the researchers discuss (e.g. truth value, auditability).
Were the conclusions from the research clear? Explain.
Were any ethical issues raised in the conduct, analysis and/or reporting of this research?
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