Summary: Write an essay that covers the topics listed below. Address the individual subjects according to the specific marking criteria by using relevant youth work practice literature to support your responses. Source material can include books, journal articles, reports, documents containing policies and/or strategies, as well as Codes of Practice/Ethics pertaining to youth work practice. The references listed at the end of each Module presentation can be used as a literature guide.
Main topics to be addressed:
1. Brief introduction outlining your essay.
2. Explain ONE core value and ONE key principle underlying Youth Work Practice.
3. Identify THREE relevant Youth Work practice skills and explain why they are important.
4. Explore and discuss the difference between Youth Work, Case Management and Counselling.
5. Discuss the importance of Youth Work in the context of multi-disciplinary services for young people. Consider the intersection of relevant youth services and programs.
6. Discuss ONE major risk young people are facing today.
7. Analyse the role of the youth worker (as discussed above, i.e. values, principles and importance) in working with young people experiencing ONE of the chosen risks.
8. Conclusion – Review key points and provide one sentence that sums up Youth Work Practice.
Please follow the sequence of the specific marking criteria and use them as sub-headings.
• This essay must clearly demonstrate your academic writing skills, including the correct use of references following APA format.
• The main topics and the specific marking criteria provide the basic framework for the assignment. The specific marking criteria should be used as sequential headings to clearly identify the responses to the individual tasks.
• The word limit has a maximum of 2000 words.
• Heading, In-text citations, Appendices, diagrams, direct quotes, title page, figures, reference list, and tables are not included in the word count.
• Formatting of your assignment must follow the instructions in How to Do Assignments on StudyDesk.
Marking Scheme
Marks for this assignment: 40 marks relate to the specific criteria and 10 marks relate to the gener