Begin designing your advertising campaign to reach your target market by include the following sections:
Identify where your target audience is on marketing communication’s (marcom) hierarchy of effects. Your advertising goals and objectives depend on where your target audience is located in the hierarchy of effects (Andrews & Shrimp, 8-1b, p.162). Do a little research and provide a hypothesis of where your target audience is located on the hierarchy of effects.
Identify Three Advertising Goals
Pick three advertising goals from Andrews and Shimp’s list on page 161. Your ad design will correspond to these goals. Do not confuse the organizational objectives (such as healthy meals) or marketing tactics (such as increased social media) with your advertising objectives (informing target audience of healthy meals).
Identify Your Brand Personality
In chapter 2-2b, Andrews and Shimp describe five brand-related personality dimensions: sincerely, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness (p. 31). What personality best describes your brand. Explain.
Identify and Explain the Message Development as it relates to Customer Needs
In chapter 2-2c and chapter 5-8a, Andrews and Shimp point out that message development appeals to three types of consumer needs: functional, symbolic, and experimential (p. 32, 108, 109). Functional fulfils a consumer’s consumption-related problems; symbolic appeals fulfil the consumer’s need for self-improvement, belonging, or position; and experiential focus on the consumer’s needs for sensory pleasure, change, and cognitive stimulation (p. 31). Identify what consumer needs you will focus on in your campaign and discuss why it is relevant to your target market.
Identify a Creative Style
In chapter 10-9, Adnrews and Shimp continue the discussion on appeals and discuss six general creative styles: generic, preemptive, unique selling proposition, brand image, resonance, and emotional (p. 218-221). Identify what creative style(s) your marketing communications will employ and explain your choice in terms of your target audience.
Identify Advertising Appeals
In Chapter 11, Andrews and Shimp identify types of advertisement messages, including testimonials, humor, fear, guilt, sex appeals, subliminal messages, and music. Identify what advertising appeal(s) your marketing communications will use and explain in terms of your target audience.
Write in complete sentences and edit for grammar. All work must be in , including title page, headers, in-text citations, and references. Plagiarism occurs when you use the words or ideas of others without citing the source. Double-space your work, using 1″ margins and 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
MY company I’m advertising for is Uber.