Final project: Part A At the end of the last unit of this course you will submit a final project related to primary and secondary sources for grading. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to build knowledge and skills related to the final project and submit work for feedback but not a grade to help you prepare for the final project. At this point you will complete the first part of your final project. You will submit this for feedback. We read, watch and listen to media about science and research all the time. These pieces of media are always stating “in a recent study….”, “a study found that….”, or similar statements. Those original studies are considered primary sources of information because they are the original published research about that study. In this activity you will compare primary and secondary research and scholarly (also called peer-reviewed or refereed) and non-scholarly sources. Step 1: Research the differences between primary and secondary sources, to answer the question below. One place you may want to start is the following website comparing primary and secondary sources – in new window) In your own words, state the difference between primary and secondary sources. Student Answer Primary sources are the original piece of information. Secondary sources are reporting, critiquing or responding to that original primary source. Complete the following table brainstorming a list of possible primary and secondary sources in your notebook. Review the suggested answers after you have brainstormed. Primary Sources Secondary Sources Notice that some media forms (ex. books) are in both columns, however they are classified based on what type of information they contain. Step 2: Next, perform research and make notes on how to identify scholarly sources compared to non-scholarly sources. One place you may want to start you research is this website: in new window) Using your notes on scholarly and non-scholarly sources, complete the following Venn diagram comparing the two types of sources. You will submit this to the teacher for feedback. Venn Diagram Step 3: Perform research on “Fake News” and how to identify it. From your research create a list of tips for students like yourself to help you identify and avoid Fake News. You will submit this for feedback. You may want to start your research at the following website in new window). Step 4: Perform research to find at least two articles on the following topic: “The effects of climate change on polar bear populations”. You must find one article based on primary research and one based on secondary research. After reviewing the articles, recreate and complete the table below which you will submit for feedback. Article 1 Article 2 Source Purpose of the periodical (news website, newspaper, journal) Type of source: primary or secondary? Type of article: scholarly or non-scholarly Type of language used in article (describe) Intended audience – who is the article written for? Main point or main message of the article How does the title catch attention? Does it accurately depict the main message? List any opinions stated in the article. (Who’s opinion are they?) How many authors? How many people interviewed in the article (not applicable if this is original research) How many sources listed in the bibliography or sources list? Step 5: Write a 1-paragraph summary of the comparison. Which one is the primary source? How are primary and secondary sources different from each other? Similar to each other? How can you tell which is which? You will submit this paragraph for feedback. Step 6: Save your work. You will submit your work to the teacher for feedback once complete. Ensure the following is included: Venn diagram comparing scholarly vs. non-scholarly sources List of tips and tricks to avoid Fake News Table comparing articles 1-paragraph comparing articles You will receive feedback based on the success criteria listed below: Success Criteria I am able to: Identify scholarly and non-scholarly sources of information Identify primary and secondary research Identify and describe tips to avoid Fake News Compare the opinions stated in articles Compare and contrast sources of information created for different audiences Determine the main message of scholarly and non-scholarly articles