You MUST make sure the sources exist in the databases provided by the FTCC library before proposing a topic.
For this assignment, you will be required to locate between seven to ten scholarly sources related to the
specific focus of your topic. As you read the articles, pay special attention to the separate issues they raise as they relate to the topic–and to the stance of the article’s author(s) on that issue. You must identify at least four separate issues related to the topic. I would recommend opening a separate folder for note on each of these issues. Then begin taking careful notes, summarizing the views of each article on each of the four issues. Be sure you include the authors’ names with your notes so that you can distinguish among them when you write your final literature review, which should be about 1,000 words PLUS the references. Sources will be cited in APA style.
As you know, an outline is the schematic plan for a project that lists in hierarchical form its component parts. For this outline, you should list as Roman numerals the major sections of the literature review as found in the UNC materials and in the samples you have read. (Note: These sections will vary based on the topic you have chosen and the types of issues involved.) Once you get to the four or more issues you plan to discuss, list in your outline the varying perspectives from the sources included.

This outline should take some time and effort to produce; it will provide the plan for your entire project and should include enough details so that I can evaluate your plan before you start writing. Partial statements and incomplete sentences are not enough. Hastily written outlines or outlines written at the last minute without much thought will not be enough. Complete sentences are required.
If you need assistance with outlining, you might wish to review the information provided online by the Purdue OWL under “Developing an Outline.” This resource includes sections on components of an outline, how to prepare an outline, and samples of outlines. I will use this website to evaluate your outline.
The point value of the assignment (25) reflects its major importance in this project. Make sure to include full sentences. This should be an outline of your entire essay, including sources. You should include and cite all of the sources that will appear in the final draft of your literature review.

Ask yourself, “Does my outline discuss four issues related to the social sciences?”
Ask yourself, “Have I cited at least seven sources with in-text citations AND corresponding reference list citations?”
You will be responsible for a references list of your seven to ten sources.
You must identify four or more issues you plan to discuss in the literature review.
A detailed outline of your review–including sources.
The final literature review.
The Social Sciences
For this module, we will turn our attention to the social sciences, including for our purposes primarily psychology and sociology, but also such fields as economics, political science, and anthropology. The social sciences are defined as the academic disciplines concerned with “the institutions and functioning of human society and . . . the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society” (Merriam-Webster Online). As you can readily guess, these fields have much to offer the researcher interested in disabilities or disability studies. Psychologists study and treat those with mental disabilities as well as those whose other disabilities affect their emotional well-being. Sociologists are concerned with how the disabled fit into the larger society. Economists and political scientists could also be interested in the disabled as topics for their own research.

The Literature Review
Both the natural sciences and the social sciences place great emphasis on the type of scholarly research paper known as the literature review. As you will find when you begin the first assignm…