Only after you have posted a sample resume and separately cover letter into assignments area (first drafts)—and, added into assignments….

you may then post your introduction here. Also email me asap if your name is not listed in announcements area under: assessment 1.

See the source image

1) Please say hello to the class in less than 20 words.
I currently work in child care and I co-own a daycare center.
2) Mention three communication traits of a successful business person based on a professional journal article. List the URL here, list three traits your article mentioned (just list the top three only)

3) In approximately 150 words total indicate why these traits are important.

Short Example:

1.) Hello class my name is and i am eager to start this online Business communications class with everyone.

2.) The three communication traits of the article I came across and read on bill gates an American computer programmer and entrepreneur were, one team building, two providing or accepting feedback, and three motivations.


3.) These traits are important to have if you want to be a successful business owner, in order to make it big you need to be able to have the ability to communicate well so you understand information quickly and accurately. Team building is one of the most important traits in starting a business, you need to find a well trusted team and build your business. Proving and accepting is always the best thing to do for any type of business, you need to provide/offer for example you don’t know if your business will be successful if you don’t offer and see what the people think about it to whatever type of product it is. Lastly motivation is key because without that you won’t have a business to begin with, you need to be motivated and ready to do it. You need to love what you’re starting and keep your head focused and into whatever circumstance you run across you need to always have the motivation to figure out the next step.

Post approximately twenty protocol questions. Do not ask on personal weaknesses. The questions should focus on how the manager leads and they succeed doing this work. Use open-ended questions like: “discuss your management style”, etc. The focus on the interview project will be the individual —-how he or she plans, organizes and leads—look at how the individual handles change.

Example: 1. How would you define your success in this role?

2. Tell me how you would manage employees?

3. Describe the type of work environment do you excel in?

4. Explain what motivates you.

5. Do you have a certain management style?

6. How do you work under pressure?

7. How do you work under stressful situations?

8. What are your motivations?

9. How would you describe yourself?

10. How would you handle deadlines tight deadlines during the job?

11. What do you do to avoid making errors?

12. How would you describe your team building skills?

13. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

14. What is one skill that you have that not many others do?

15. Can you tell me about a time you overcame a difficult situation?

16. What does your working style look like?

17. What is the one skill you would like to improve on?

18. What are your hobbies outside of work?

19. Why should we hire you?

20. How would you overcome a difficult situation with an employee?