Using specific examples from Tuckman & Jenson’s (Forming, Norming, Storming, Performing, Adjourning) model and from a recent (within 2 years) intense group experience, please answer the following questions:

*Note: group experience can be made-up for this assignment**

  1. Provide a brief overview/ summary of the group experience that you participated in. Ideally, this should be a recreation based experience, however, you may also choose from other formal group/ team based experiences that you have encountered (e.g. new job, training, field trips etc.). Using Tuckman & Jenson’s (Forming, Norming, Storming, Performing, Adjourning) model, describe the changes that your team went through as they progressed through the various rotation activities. Please use specific examples to illustrate each of the stages.  For example; during the forming stage my group…  /10 marks
  2. Using specific references to the roles identified in Jordan (2007) and examples from your intense group experience to support your answer, describe 3 roles you fulfilled. Were there times when you consciously changed roles? Please explain why? /6 marks


  1. Examine your role as a team member and the characteristics of a good team member as discussed in class (characteristics of good team member: Participate fully, Are self-motivated, Are open to new things, Are sensitive to other views, Cooperate, Know own and others’ limitations, Resolve conflicts and Celebrate success). Describe how you practiced good team membership during that experience. Did your team evolve from being just a group into being a team? If yes, explain how and why. If not, explain what could have been done differently to achieve this.     /4 marks