Need a 1000 word report and a power point slides
Imagine yourself in your future career as a social worker, you have been asked to provide an information session to others working in human services about the needs of people who are homeless and the services available in your local area. Informed by academic evidence and the key values of social work, you are to decide on which services and resources they may need. You will need to include informative descriptions of the organisations, including an explanation of how their services are delivered. You are also asked to provide a rationale of how your chosen services would assist in addressing inequality.
You are strongly encouraged to locate yourself in your own neighbourhood, town or city and identify the people who may also require services. You are asked to write a 1000-word report to accompany your session and provide a PowerPoint that you would use for this session. Academic referencing required.
Independent research of the needs of people who are homeless in an Australian context.
Concise but informative descriptions of the services and resources identified and clear rationale for their connections to needs and addressing inequality.
PowerPoint appropriate for the intended audience.
1000 word report
power point slides- as many slides in the powerpoint as needed to address the report. I’ve added 10 slides, but am happy to pay for more slides if needed.
Harvard referencing