Title Page:

Executive Summary:

  • The purpose of the executive summary is to provide the most essential information up-front.
  • The summary is to be written as if the reader is totally uninformed about your project.
  • It must include a short description of the project, the process, the results, and final recommendations.
  • It also must describe how the report is structured and where key information can be found.

Table of Contents: Include section titles and page numbers.


The body of the report should include narratives and representative flowcharts and drawings. For detail information readers should be pointed to the appropriate appendices. All specific diagrams, pictures, figures, and tables should be accurately and clearly labeled with meaningful names and/or titles and includes as appendices.

Design problem and objectives:

Give a clear and concise definition of the assignment and its intended objectives. Outline the design. Include appropriate background on the project for the reader to be able to put the information provided in context.

Process and Methodology:

Illustrate and describe the process that your team has followed. Make sure that the House of Quality and the Voice of a Customer processes guide your service blueprint. Specify, who is the customer, what is the experience that you are designing in.

Final Design:

Show the flow of the Service Blueprint and describe, illustrate, and justify all elements of your design including an explanation of assumptions made. Specifically,

  • Compliance with the appropriate Regulatory Requirements and Standards. Provide a statement of how you were able to address the safety consideration in your proposed design.
  • Anticipated “bombs” and “bottlenecks”
  • Provide information on any ethical, if any, considerations that govern the service specifications you have developed or that need to be taken into account (i.e.; human factors)

Conclusions and Recommendations:

Conclude your report with recommendations as to next steps that should be taken.

References: Indicate which books, technical journals, patents, etc. were used in this project.

Illustrations: • Charts • Tables • Flows • Renditions