TItle: a brief title of the experiment (20 words)
Introduction: (200 words) discuss breifly why we may use these two drugs in optometry (not opthamology) include which mechanism of action is used for each drug (transmitter and receptor)
what are the ocular effects expected on the structures of the eye and the systemic effects.
Hypothesis (100 words): breif hypothesis of what could happen in the experiment: write a null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis.
Materials and methods: (200 words)
The method was breifly discussed at the beginning: the materials :
to test visual acuity: thompson test chart
To test pupil response: pen torch
to test amplitude of accommodation RAF rule
To measure pupil size: ruler
to measure refraction and intraocular pressure: autorefractor was used.
Results (300 words) (for both tests) these arent included in word count
include the raw data tables I provided but also proivde graphs using the data
1) time Vs pupil size
2)time Vs amplitude of accommodation
3) time Vs visual acuity
Please also make a table with the data that includes a P value and note next to p value if it is stastcally significant ( can be out through a google program to find this) and also a T test value. Don’t discuss the results just present all data.
a very breif desription of a T test and P value.
Discussion (400 words)
Discuss the signifcance of the results with reference to literature (what was expected vs what actually happened) dont just repeat the results. what do they mean and what can be concluded from the data. dicuss changes that could be improved (for example regulating drop size of eye drop)
discuss any potential limitations inlcuding human error in measuring and putting in the drop ETC
Concclusion (100 words)
summarise experiment and what was found. include important findings and take home message of lab. refer to null hypothesis and alternate and discuss if null can be rejected or accepted.
quick summary of limitations.
I will also add an example of this report USE ONLY AS A GUIDE DO NOT COPY ANY