Module 3 Written Assignment:

The written assignment for this module is a modified version of the “Real-Life Challenge: Diabetes Mellitus”. Please read the challenge and then answer the 11 questions that follow the challenge. Please submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word document in the correct format: Lastname_assignmentname.docx and submit to the dropbox.

Remember to list all the resources used to complete this assignment. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE YOUR ANSWERS.

Real-Life Challenge: Diabetes Mellitus

Adopted from Frazier and Drzymkowski

A 50-year-old male patient after consuming a large meal at home began exhibiting symptoms of lethargy and drowsiness. The patient’s skin was dry to touch but appears flushed. The patient family noted a fruity odor to the patient’s breath. Approximately 30 minutes after he began exhibiting symptoms, the patient became difficult for the family to arouse. The family called 911. The paramedics arrived within minutes and transported the patient to the Emergency Room.

Upon arrival at the Emergency Room, the patient was awake and able to answer the physician’s questions. The patient was asked if he was experiencing any new symptoms or problems. The patient stated he is experiencing extreme thirst, increased hunger, and frequent urination. The patient recently has been treated for acute bronchitis but is finding the bronchitis is taking a long time to clear up.

The physician is ordering blood and urine tests on the patient. The ER physician is almost certain the patient has Type II Diabetes.

Please answer the following questions using the information given above.

  1. What blood test will be ordered for the patient in the Emergency Room given his signs and symptoms? This patient has NOT previously been diagnosed with any condition related to his current signs and      symptoms.
  2. What is a normal glucose level when a patient is fasting?

What is the normal non-fasting glucose level? Fasting means they have had nothing by mouth overnight or for several hours prior to the blood test.

  1. a. Give three possible causes of Type I Diabetes

b .Give three possible causes of Type 2 Diabetes. These are different diseases. Do not give the same causes to both types.

  1. Explain the differences between Type I Diabetes and Type II Diabetes.
  2. Why is it important for diabetic patients to monitor their glucose on a regular basis?
  3. What role does diet play in helping to maintain a diabetic patient’s blood sugar?
  4. Explain what insulin is and how it works with your blood sugar.
  5. How does an oral hypoglycemic agent such as metformin (Glugophage) reduce a patient’s glucose levels? What are the side effects the patient should be aware of when they are taking metformin?
  6. What lifestyle changes do you think the patient in our scenario challenge will need to make to control his Type II Diabetes?
  7. Consider some of the new medications available for Type II Diabetes such as Victoza (brand name) liraglutide (generic). Do you feel the patient in the scenario is a candidate for this type of medication? Please state why or why not. Give two clear reasons for your opinion.
  8. One treatment for patients with diabetes is an implantable insulin pump. What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to an implantable insulin pump. In your opinion, do you feel an implantable insulin pump is better for a patient with Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes? Why? Give 2 reasons for your opinion.