• Please watch the following to begin…


Please take some time to respond in your discussion post about the reflections and thoughts that arise for you in viewing this clip… How can we best make sense of and address the intersex experience in a biblical manner? How could we go about creating safe, loving spaces for these individuals and their experiences in our church communities–as, according to statistics, it is likely that you’ve encountered someone with this experience in your churches or even here on campus!

2) This week’s discussion topic is *drum roll*….

Sex Ed!

In light of reading through the chapter, the different developmental stages, and even the different approaches of sex ed in different cultures, please interact with the following:

What do you feel is the best/most appropriate time and approach to begin educating individuals about human sexuality? What was your experience of sex education as you grew up? Imagine yourself (or reflect on your personal experience) as someone trying to parent children within the church… what would you be concerned about (peers, media, etc.?) and how would you personally hope to approach this topic?