1) What do you see as the values and detriments of such communication differences in the context of a romantic relationship (utilizing specific examples of these differences from the text)? (Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity book ONLY CHAPTER 3)

2) How do you imagine this is enriched and/or complicated further by “computer-mediated communication” (pgs. 59-62) in modern romantic relationships? (Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity ONLY CHAPTER 3)

3) As highlighted in the video, here are some key phrases White uses to describe the “Christian” view of the environment: (Watch the video)

  • …spoke for the Christian tradition when he said, “when you’ve seen one redwood tree, you’ve seen them all.”
  • To a Christian a tree can be no more than a physical fact.
  • The whole concept of the sacred grove is alien to Christianity
  • Christian missionaries chop down sacred groves…because they assume spirit in nature.

Q1) Respond to White’s claims. Does he get Christianity right? Why or why not? Include specific biblical or theological material from this video, the video lectures, the Moo readings, or your own study.