Before submitting the paper, carefully go back through the entire paper. Have you provided citations for all of the paraphrases from the text? Have you provided citations for all of the quotations from the text? Have you clearly indicated what the quotations are? Have you provided citations for any outside sources that you have used in writing this paper?

1. After reading the online article on plagiarism select any paragraph of over four sentences from your textbook (be sure to give a proper citation). Then provide a. an unacceptable paraphrase of that paragraph, and b. an acceptable paraphrase of that paragraph. Explain in detail what makes your examples acceptable and unacceptable. Be sure to distinguish between a paraphrase and a quotation.
2. What does Miller mean by the distinction between the non-rational and the rational? How does this relate to Foundationalism? Then how does he answer the charge that philosophy is not practical? Do you think his response works? Why? Why not?
3. Fully summarize Aristotle’s criticisms of the Form theory of Plato. Then describe the way he modifies Plato’s theory in his view of matter and form.
4. In your own words, describe Miller’s four principles for the study of the history of philosophy. Then evaluate his principles. Do they seem fair or unfair? Explain your reasoning.
5. Fully and accurately define a deductive and an inductive argument. Give the differences between the two by way of your own creative examples.
6. Explain Jaggar’s view of the prime categorizations in Western philosophy and its relationship to feminism. Then evaluate the worth of her argument.
7. Fully explain Ockham’s reasoning on the problem of universals. Then describe conceptualism and its reasoning on this problem.