The topic for this assignment is African American middle-aged males with Cardiovascular disease.
The purpose of this course project is to apply concepts in transcultural culturally competent nursing throughout the lifespan.
Do not stereotype a cultural/ethnic group. Stereotyping will result in point deduction.
Provide APA references for two peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal articles related to your nursing issue, cultural focus and/or health indicator.
A permalink is a permanent link to an online resource — like an article, an eBook, a database entry, or a web page.
You can find a permalink for an article in an EBSCO database like CINAHL or Medline Complete
• Articles must be published within the last five (5) years. If you are unsure whether the article is appropriate, ask your instructor.
oSummarize the key points from each peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal articles selected in one or two paragraphs. Be clear and concise.
• Educational Plan
o Imagine you are educating a group of fellow nurses.
o Clearly describe what key points would you share with them?
o What would you suggest as best practices?
o What ethical issues or conflict of care could potentially exist?
1. Includes two peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal articles
2. Articles are related to the approved topic.
3. Articles are published within the last five (5) years.
4. References are listed in APA format, including a permalink
1. Summarizes the two peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal articles selected
2. Summary is 1-2 paragraphs for each article.
3. Summary is detailed and clear but concise.
4. Addresses key points of articles