Your job in this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of MLA formatting rules and documented essay preparation. The learning of these skills was required for successful completion of English 101, the course academically one level below your current (ENG 102) course. Thus, you should be familiar with the essentials of up-to-date MLA rules for formatting documented essays. Note that in this course we are using the current MLA method–called “MLA 8.” You must use MLA 8 rules to complete all documented assignments in this course.
For this assignment, you are given a very simple subject: To prepare a 100-word response to a short research question which you’ll find below. The “research” involved is simply the definition of two words. This part of the exam is especially easy because what you are really being tested on here is your knowledge of MLA formatting. 80% of your grade for this assignment will depend upon your execution of MLA formatting rules (including accuracy of information). 20% of your grade for this assignment will depend upon your effective use of written English (grammar, spelling, etc.).
In a documented response of 100 words or fewer, answer this question:
What is the difference between the meaning of the words “palate” and “palette”? Do they possess the same meaning? If so, why are they spelled differently? If not, what does each of the two words mean?
Prepare a brief research paper response following all current “MLA 8” (MLA 8th edition) rules for the writing of research papers. Remember that the text of your paper should contain only 100 or fewer words! Document your research with appropriate MLA in-text citations and a properly prepared Works Cited. Use proper MLA-style headings, fonts, spacing, margins, and formatting. Be sure to provide correctly prepared documentation using either an online or paper dictionary. Your finished work must be in properly formatted MLA 8 format. Sufficient skills in the rules of MLA formatting are required learning for ENG 101, your previous course. Again: if you are rusty with these rules, consult the Purdue OWL MLA online guide and be sure to read and review the “MLA 8 Update for ENG. 102, Unit 1” document attachment available on this page.