In 3 to 4 pages,(not including required reference page) you will provide a well-written and organized paper that outlines your answer. You should support your answers with data from scholarly sources (3 scholarly sources are required. The dictionary and Wikipedia do not count towards the scholarly resource requirement for this assignment. You must answer the question you choose as a part of a well-written essay format. However, your paper will be graded on how well you follow directions and complete all of the elements of the assignment, in the following areas
•Provide an overview of the issue and why it is potentially controversial
•How well your answer to the questions in your paper are supported by (scholarly) sources
•Correct use of supporting sources (in text citations and reference page)
•Use of proper grammar, spelling, coherent sentence structure
•How well the paper is organized, (including introduction, body, conclusion)
Please remember that the plagiarism detecting feature of Turnitin will be used for this. .Students will write their paper in response to only ONE of the following questions. Keep in mind that answers must be supported by reputable (scholarly) sources.

•What should Sexual Education in US public schools look like? Should it be required; why or why not?