Taking the feedback from your professor, make any revisions necessary to your presentation. Submit your completed presentation to the assignment folder and also to the Week 8 Discussion: Online Technology Conference. Further instructions for the ‘conference’ will be found there. Your sources, including images, should be cited, and a Works Cited page should accompany the presentation.

IMPORTANT: Please, make sure that your start your presentation with the words, “Dear Professor Tomasi, here is my presentation.”

The final project is a presentation for an imaginary technology conference called in order to evaluate the impact of technology on culture. Students will pose questions of cultural concern in regard to new or emerging technologies and answer these questions in a multimedia presentation that uses scholarly research. The project will be completed in stages throughout the course and shared with the class in the final week. Students choose a new or emerging technology and ask the following questions about it (from Neil Postman, Building a Bridge to the Eighteenth Century):

What is the problem for which this technology is the solution?
Whose problem is it?
Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution?
What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem?
What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because of technological change?
Students answer these questions by doing research in the UMUC library. At least six scholarly sources must be employed to answer the questions.

Your exhibit will consist of a multimedia presentation on a particular technology and its relationship to culture. The exhibit will address the following issues regarding technology and culture:


The purpose of this assignment is for you to understand and articulate the relationship between technology and culture


The project will enable you to develop the following skills:

Identify, define, and evaluate the influence of technology on human culture
Analyze and evaluate specific relationships between technology and literature, writing, philosophy, religion, art, music, and posthumanism
Articulate cultural critiques of technology
Synthesize interdisciplinary scholarship in technology and the humanities
Demonstrate the ability to design and produce multimedia communication appropriate to a given research or creative context (purpose, audience, event, form, genre, medium)

The project will enable you to obtain the following content knowledge

Nature and function of technology
Nature and function of culture

Feedback from professor is below:

I see the visual presentation, which is good, but I did not find the audio part. The file is 259kb, and a normal file with audio is more than 20,000, usually. So, I do not think it is there. I do not see the audio icon in any of the panels. Let me know. The other students embedded it in such a way that I simply clicked on the audio icon. Because of this, I cannot tell if the presentation is long enough (as you know, the minimum is 20 minutes).

I see a good number of panels, but I notice overlapping text that makes them unreadable. I also do not see much more than text. You should increase the variety of media. The panels are clear and to-the-point. I do see some Postman’s questions. Make sure you include your sources in the panels and insert the sources in the body of the presentation itself, whenever they became relevant.

Again, this evaluation is limited to the visual part, but I hope it helps ????

If it is possible to include audio narration with the slides, please do.