Topic: What strategies do teachers use to teach bilingual learners English effectively?

What strategies do teachers you think are most useful to teach English to  bilingual learners?

A few introductory comments that provide the background and a rationale for the study

You need to be concise and able to connect how this research is connected to your practice and will help you develop the professional disposition, encouraging you to be a continuous learner.   First, each of you will briefly discuss how you got interested in this particular topic.  Then you need to briefly discuss how your interests got emerged into one specific topic.

Some background info  : I am from an immigrant family and have seen relatives struggle with reading and writing English growing up .I am interested in this topic because I previously  worked in a kindergarten classroom with multiple bilingual students who were struggling with learning to read and write English. It was extremely difficult especially since parents did not speak English or they spoke some English.  The strategies used I felt can be expanded on. ….

Purpose of the Study with Research questions  1- page

            The purpose of this study is to ………………..

** Need to define some major terms you will address in this study.  Terms that may be ambiguous or are used in a specialized sense must be defined.  You need to use other researches to provide definitions (Don’t use dictionary!!).                                                                  

Research Questions                                                                      

When coming up with research questions, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • Does the answer to this problem have the potential for providing important and useful answers and information?
  • Will the result be more than a simple exercise in gathering information, answering yes/no question, or making a simple comparison?
  • Is the problem really what I want to investigate?

***The researcher must distinguish subproblems that are an integral part of the main problem from things that look like problems but are nothing more than procedural issues.  The latter, which we might call pseudo-problems, involve decisions the researcher must make before he/she can resolve research problem and its subproblems.

Statement of Problem/ Significance of the Study  1 page      

This section describes the problem, tells the reader why this is a problem worth of study, and explains how this study will contribute to an understanding of the problem.  All your arguments must be anchored in your practice as well as current literature review.

** Relevance of research question or problem to inform self (and broader) teaching learning procesExample of Purpose of Study and Research Question:

Example of purpose of study and research question

The purpose of my study is to examine the effectiveness of rapid automatic naming, shared reading, and paraphrasing in improving early literacy development.  My focus is specifically on phonological awareness, fluency and comprehension. Phonological awareness is the awareness of words, rhyming words, onsets and rimes, syllables and individual sounds (Fountas & Pinnell, 2007). Fluency is when you read continuous text with good momentum, phrasing appropriate pausing, intonation, and stress (Fountas & Pinnell, 2007). Comprehension is the ability to understand what you are reading (Brummitt-Yale, 2008). I would like to implement rapid automatic naming, shared reading and paraphrasing into my practice and examine its effectiveness in an integrated co-teaching classroom. I will implement my research strategies in an integrated co-teaching classroom. I would like to implement the strategies one to one or in a group of three to four students.

Research Questions

  1. How do intervention strategies improve early literacy development?

Does rapid automatic naming influence phonological awareness?

Does shared reading influence fluency?

Does paraphrasing influence comprehension?

  1. How do home literacy experiences influence early literacy development?