Assigned organism: Helicobacter Pylori
Directions: Students are assigned an organism that causes a food or water borne illness. Research the organism and the disease(s) it causes. Copying and pasting from online sources like the CDC or from your text is not acceptable. Students will prepare a fictional case presentation, background info on the organism and disease state. Please read the complete assignment below and be prepared to hand in your paper typed case / background info.
1. Case Presentation: Prepare a fictional case presentation of a patient presenting with illness due to your organism. Use the following format including the bolded headings:

CC – (Chief Complaint) – What is the primary symptom that brings the patient in? This should be no more than a few words: For example – “Vomiting”
HPI (History of Present Illness- How did this illness begin and evolve in your patient)
This should be one sentence –
“JD is a 44 y/o male who began experiencing nausea and vomiting after dinner last night”

PMH (Past Medical History) – include any medical conditions the pt may have. “No past medical history”
is not acceptable. For example:
“The patient has a PMH of… Hypertension, Diabetes, & Osteoarthritis”
S/Sx (Signs and Symptoms) – Include all signs and symptoms the pt presents with that relate to this
food/water borne disease
Differential Diagnosis –
What disease possibilities correlate with your patients’ presentation?
This should include infectious as well as non-infectious possibilities….

Objective data/ Diagnostic Tests Needed:
What testing would be needed to rule out other causes and confirm the disease is due to the organism you were assigned??

Treatment Plan: If antibiotics are part of treatment please give only one or two examples.
**Please do not include Chloramphenicol –it is rarely used due to significant adverse effects. There are safer alternatives!
Prevention: Identify measures that could prevent this disease
2. Background Information on Your Organism
– Please prepare a few paragraphs summarizing…. type of organism, gram stain reaction, morphology, virulence factors, transmission to humans, reservoirs etc. Be sure to include information on the “classic” presentation of disease due to this organism and how it causes various signs and symptoms.
3. Patient Education & Nursing:
Include in this section, any patient education information & nursing approaches to
care and monitoring of this patient. For example, how would you monitor this patient to know that the infection is resolving?
4. Reference list & citations! Use AMA format