Additional information on specific battles and campaigns of the Revolutionary War may be found by accessing the numerous resources available via the Lee University Library. In the subject line of the online catalog enter: United States History Revolution 1775 1783 Campaigns. Scholarly articles on the subject may also be found searching the JSTOR Database.
Choose one of the major battles of the Revolutionary War
Write a 2-3 page paper covering the following:
The essay should include a brief summary and an analysis of the battle.
What transpired during the battle?
What was the outcome of it?
Did it have any significance to the outcome of the war?
Base your paper on at least 2 cited sources for this assignment. The textbook and online encyclopedias may be consulted for this assignment for background material, but may not be cited as a source for the assignment.
Since this is a formal assignment, the essay will be graded on:
One inch margins
12 pt. Times New Roman
Two – three pages maximum
Polished appearance
Grammatically correct