Good research can be replicated by others. Part of this necessity is fulfilled by a researcher telling other researchers from where he/she collected data. Every book, article, website, or other source must be credited for its contribution to the current work not only to direct other researchers to foundational literature, but also to avoid plagiarism. Be sure to cite ANY and ALL sources when producing your research.

The research community desires citations to be in some standard format. This makes finding research materials, no matter who or where you are, much easier. In the education realm, APA style is used. This Section introduces you to APA citation formats and to provide adequate practice with the format so you are ready to use it within your research writing.


Collect a book, a magazine article, a newspaper article, and a website on a subject related to educational research or education. With your collected sources, write a short paragraph about the content of each source. Then make the appropriate APA format in-text citation for each.