ARTICLE ANALYSIS INSTRUCTIONS – This assignment is the artifact for SJC institutional level assessment of this course. For credit, it must be submitted via Bb, emailed copies are not accepted.
I. Reading Selection:
Select an article pertaining to ANY topic relating to human geography covered with-in the scope of this course from a scholarly periodical or journal. You may chose any topic relating to the broad area of human Geography, topic selection is at your discretion. Just make sure you select an article from a scholarly journal. Please conduct your article search using the San Jacinto College Library System. You may access the SJC Library reference service in the following ways:
Click on the “Library” tab in the top right corner of Bb.
Visit one of the SJC Libraries in person and ask to speak with a reference librarian.
Go directly to the URL and use the “Super Search” box: Click for more options When you get to the search result screen be sure to check the box next to “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” in the left frame to limit your results to acceptable articles.
II. Preparation of Article Analysis:
A. Content – Include these three section headings in your paper
1. Thesis – Explain the cultural issue including analysis of its historical context and ethical dilemmas.
EXPLAINED: The student is expected to write a thesis that presents the main point(s) of the article or the author’s thesis/argument, as well as, provide supporting sentences how this thesis or argument is proved in the article. Basically, why is this article so very important?
2. Evidence – Analyze the evidence that the author uses to support his/her thesis. Does the evidence support the thesis? (Please identify any primary sources used.) What qualifications does the author have that make him/her qualified to write on the subject? Identify and explain the current state of the cultural geography issue. Identify and explain how these issues impact/influence other cultures (either globally or within a specified region). Analyze the evidence presented in the literature on this issue. Does the evidence provided in the research support their author/s theory? Are the conflicting view points on the issue? If so, which argument in the literature provides the strongest argument?
EXPLAINED: What specific evidence (i.e., sources/references/documentation) does the author use to support (justify) his argument? Explain why and how the sources support or do not support the argument from the reader’s viewpoint.
3. Conclusion – Provide comments and/or criticisms of the work. Read and comment on one or two contrary perspectives on the topic (one must be primary.) How does this issue affect your world today and does is change your outlook in any way or push you toward any action? If the cultural issue still exists today, how does this issue effect the world? Analyze the impact of this issue on your community (if applicable), including what personal responsibility you may have in addressing the issue.
EXPLAINED: The student is expected to write a final, logical conclusion to this article possibly explaining how the issues might impact the contemporary world or if the article changes your outlook on the issue. Remember, to focus on the existing article and make a logical, final concluding paragraph.
B. Style
1. Typewritten, Double-Spaced on Letter-size (8 1/2″ x 11″) Plain White Paper. Font Size must be Times New Roman 12 point
3. Format –
Students must use APA formatting, DO NOT USE MLA.
SJC Library APA Guide
Please use a title page, and page numbers.
You do not need a running head or an abstract.
Please include references in a Reference list, be sure to include the article you are reviewing.
For in-text citations please use parenthetical references. The format should be (Author, Year).