NSB105 Wellness across the lifespanNSB105 –Assessment Task 2Page 2of 7Assessment Task 2 Assessment name: Health Promotion Case Study ReportTask description:You will prepare a 1500 word report and a short one to two minute video based on the following case study: Pat is a 52 year old woman who recently moved to a regional countrytown. She is single and lives alone, renting a small house. Pat is having a difficult time at the moment, she relocated due to a relationship break-down and has found it difficult to find work since her move. She is currently on unemployment benefits and money is very tight.Pat worries about her health – she has a BMI of 49, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, and knows she could be healthier. She quite likes walking for exercise, however her arthritis makes it difficult to walk easily and she’s wary of walking alone. Pat enjoys cooking, she has a ‘sweet tooth’ and likes to bake snacks such as muffins or biscuits frequently. However she is often tired at the end of the day, and doesn’t always bother cooking an evening meal for herself.Pat feels anxious about her situation and her GP, Dr Diamond, has noticed her blood pressure is rather high. Dr Diamond has referred Patto the local Community Health Registered Nurse for some additional support to assist Pat to reduce her risk factors for cardiovascular disease(CVD). Imagine you are the Community Nurse who meets with Pat. Listen to the video on Assessment 2 tab on BB site, where Pat introduces herself and discusses her social situation and health concerns.What you need to do:Part A (total 1500 words) Please use short headings and word counts for each numbered point.In relation to Pat’s case, write a short report that addresses the following points:

1. Write a short written introduction (150 words)Introduce Pat and outline topics covered in the report

2. Outline the impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Australian women (300 words)Include current prevalence and mortality rates, impact on health, gender differences, evidence with literature

3. Briefly describe the social determinants that increase Pat’s risk of CVD (300 words)Identify relevant risk factors and discuss how they increase risk of CVD, evidence with literature

4. Briefly describe the behavioural determinants that increase Pat’s risk of CVD (300 words)Identify relevant risk factors and discuss how they increase risk of CVD,evidence with literature

1. Explain and discuss key concepts and issues in relation to health and illness across the lifespan including the influence of social determinants of health

2. Identify the principles of partnerships with consumers in health care and demonstrate application of these principles to person-centred care across the lifespan

3. Apply knowledge of professional, ethical, social and cultural dimensions of communication to establish and maintain therapeutic relationships and partnerships in health care

4. Analyse the principles of health promotion and evaluate health promotion strategies in relation to a selected health problem and key social determinants of health across the lifespa