The final project for this course is the creation of an individual research paper that compares and contrasts Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. Your paper should include the major facets of each theory, the strengths and limitations of each, and relevant current research from the past three years pertaining to each theory.
Students will submit a research paper that compares and contrasts Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with that of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. The research paper will include the following sections:

• A summary of the content of the final paper, supporting research ideas with three to five current research articles (from the past three years) that will be cited in the final paper
• Submitted as a Word document using APA formatting
• Graded separately using the Abstract Rubric Annotated Bibliography
• A Word document with a list of at least five references in APA format that includes all sources cited in the paper
• Graded separately using the Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Annotated Bibliography
• A Word document with a list of at least five references in APA format that includes all sources cited in the paper
• Graded separately using the Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Final Research Paper
• A Word document that includes at least six pages (not including the title page, abstract, or reference page) and at least five academic references
• References are properly formatted according to APA formatting
• Compares and contrasts Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
• A complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final product
• It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course
• Graded separately using the Final Product Rubric (below)

Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

The application of social development topics and research has to be clearly stated using explicit examples to support rationale

Analysis has to be well-developed including all of the criteria: major findings, controversies, and issues related to social development

Need to be Evidence of scientific thinking and personal responsibility is clearly developed and cited

We can’t have any errors related to organization, grammar and style, and APA citations

It need to Incorporates at least 5 scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research