Note: Developing a business proposal requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.
For this two-part assessment, create a presentation designed to convince a key business stakeholder of the value of your proposed IT solution. Create only two slides using PowerPoint. More importantly, prepare the appropriate talking points that will convince the business stakeholder that your IT solution is one they should support. Remember, this business stakeholder will determine whether you get the resources you need to actually develop the solution you are proposing. In this presentation, you need to think about the business stakeholder’s goals and needs. What will be most convincing to them?
Because you need to remember your audience in this presentation, it is always best to have both the slides and your presentation reviewed by a peer. This assessment, therefore, has two components: create the presentation and then present it to a peer. Based on the feedback you get from your peer, revise your slides and your presentation.

Create PowerPoint Slides and Present to a Peer
For the first part of this assessment, do the following:

Prepare a two-slide PowerPoint presentation.
Choose a peer in your workplace or a friend who is an IT professional to whom you will give the presentation.
Use any technology that allows you to meet in a synchronous environment (Skype, Google Hangouts, phone call, or others) if the presentation is being done virtually rather than face to face.
Present your proposal to your peer. Limit the presentation to 15 minutes. The peer will respond to your presentation as if they were a business manager, making a decision about whether or not to fund the IT solution,
As the business analyst, keep notes about what portion of the presentation was convincing and which parts of the proposal needed to be strengthened to meet your business goals.
Refine and Finalize Presentation
After the presentation to your peer, complete the final part of the assessment:
Create a two-slide PowerPoint presentation used to influence and convince technology business decision makers to sign off on the resources needed for your IT solution.
Cite any sources used on a third slide of the presentation.
Provide written and/or audio summaries of your presentation to your peer.
Submit both your presentation and the summary as part of your assessment.
Additional Requirements
Ensure that your assessment is professionally written and free of errors, and that APA formatting is applied throughout.