Part A –
Essay Question Critically discuss the significance of three of the following four cases on the development of English contract law. (a) Balfour v Balfour [1919] 2 KB 571. (b) Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1892] EWCA Civ 1. (c) Krell v Henry [1903] 2 KB 740. (d) Ruxley Electronics and Construction Ltd v Forsyth [1996] A.C. 344. (50%) (1,250 words)
Part B – Problem Question Hakim owns a construction company and has made the following arrangements with different customers: Hakim agreed to repair Karen’s Kitchen for £1000. When he started the job, he found it was more difficult than he had anticipated. He telephoned Karen to tell her that he would only finish the job if she agreed to pay a further £250. Karen agreed. However, when she collected the keys to the property she refused to pay more than £500. Hakim also agreed to repair Sameen’s Sofa Room for £600. When Sameen arrived to collect the bill, Hakim was so moved by Sameen’s tearful pleas of poverty that he agreed to cut the bill to £300, which Sameen promptly paid. Hakim has now changed his mind and wants the other £300. Further to this, Hakim agreed to renovate Bill’s bedroom for £4000. Hakim renovated the bedroom and then decided to do additional work to the bathroom. When Bill came to view the bedroom, Hakim pointed out the extra work and Hakim and Bill agreed that the job was worth another £1000. Bill paid Hakim £4000 and said that he would have to wait for the other £1000. Hakim is still waiting. Advise Hakim about his legal rights, if any, against Karen, Sameen and Bill. (50%) 1250 words