Transfer of knowledge using all learning styles is imperative to reach my audience (Reference). I closely resonate with the social cognitivism theory which supports past knowledge that can be expanded upon and modeled through each new learning experience (Reference). I believe that each individual must be willing and motivated to learn to gain the most from the educational session and I as the teacher must come prepared to share my knowledge in a positive environment.Theoretical UnderpinningsRevieweach of the primary learning theories (for example:behaviourism, cognitivism, social constructivism) and select the theory that best supports your personal philosophy;consider the strengths and limitations of the theory. Identify the key concepts of the theory and integrate this theory into your own personal philosophy using the literature to support your beliefs.Example of Values and Beliefs of Teaching and Learning Describe a specific example of teaching(for example:Type II diabetes)that demonstrates your philosophy of teaching and learning. Ensure thatthisnarrative teaching momentisclearly tied toyourvalues and beliefsof teaching and learningand linked to learning theory or model of learning (with reference).Review the teaching models /theories cited in the World Health Organization (2012). They will help you provide a specific example of a practical experience discussion using the concepts providedas required.Application of Course ConceptsPlease review the information ( in references listbelow) and integrate these concepts into the paper demonstrating and providing depth of your understanding of the Unit concept