Economics Assessment – Essay Roo Instructions


Topic 1: The Australian Labour Market

Full Question:

Describe Australia’s unemployment and underemployment experienced since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC), identify and analyse the main reasons which explain the observed experience. In addition, are the recent labour market developments caused by the Coronavirus a new trend, or an acceleration of existing trends? Finally, what policies, if any, do you believe the Government should implement over the near to medium term to assist the labour market?

The basics of the answer are obviously the differentiation of unemployment and underemployment, and the statistical record of these measures over the relevant timeframe. Then what will distinguish these essays is the treatment of the explanation of why we observe the labour market data. That is, what has caused the trends we observe? Why were they at the strength we see, and not stronger or weaker? What government policies have contributed to the observed outcomes? Finally, when you discuss what government policies you argue should be implemented, be clear on how you believe these policies would be implemented and why they would help

Instructions for Essay Roo Writer – 800 WORDS STRICT!!!!!

To whomever this may concern, this is what is required from the writer. Above I have presented the full question and how to answer the question. I have also highlighted in YELLOW, the part that YOU must answer. So, I need the writer to write about “what policies, if any, do you believe the Government should implement over the near to medium term to assist the labour market? – What government policies have contributed to the observed outcomes? Finally, when you discuss what government policies you argue should be implemented, be clear on how you believe these policies would be implemented and why they would help. So, you need to write about government policies in regards to Australia’s unemployment and underemployment since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Please message me and let me know if there is any issues when writing this piece and I am happy to clarify. THIS NEEDS TO BE 800 WORDS, 10% MORE IS ALLOWED.



Tips and references


You should use papers from the main sources, including published academic papers, and also official-sector publications such as those from the Reserve Bank of Australia, which has commented extensively on the Chinese economy, as well as market research and other useful publicly available commentaries. PLEASE INCLUDE 2-3 ACADEMIC REFERENECES. GRAPHS AND STATISTICS ARE ALSO NEEDED PLEASE! APA FORMATTED REFERENCING