
  • An executive summary should be brief. Be sure to discuss your set up and results.  Do not include statements in your report such as, “This will help me as an engineer.  I learned a lot about wind energy.” Stay focused on your results and keeping it concise.
  • The Executive Summary should be about 4 paragraphs. Use a professional writing style with full sentences. Reports are to be written without using the word “I” or “we”.

Task 1

  • Include the lab set up and a very short discussion of the results specific to Task 1.
  • See the procedures if any graphs are required for each task. For Task 1 include a graph of Power Output of the Turbine vs. Fan Voltage. Label graphs as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc. through the lab. All graphs  should have proper titles and axes labels with units. Label tables as Table 1 etc.

Task 2

  • Include the lab set up and a very short discussion of the results specific to Task 2.
  • For Task 2 include a graph of Wind Power Wind Velocity.

Task 3

  • Include the lab set up and a very short discussion of the results specific to Task 3.
  • For Task 3 include a graph of Turbine Efficiency vs. Wind Velocity.

Task 4

  • Create 4 different turbine blades. You will be testing them one at a time.  Include a picture with labeling of the different turbine blades in the report.
  • Determine in your opinion why certain blades performed better than others.

Task 5

  • Explain your experimental plan and what was the effect of changing the hub angle, the number of blades etc.. Include a table of the data.
  • What was your conclusion?

Task 6

  • See the procedures for the calculations. Show your work.


Put in the conclusions any possible improvements that could be made to the lab.  A very quick overall summary of your results can be added. Stay focused on your experiment but any referenced facts about wind turbines, efficiencies etc. can be added in the conclusions.  Do NOT copy and paste from the sources or your team mates. Plagiarism is considered academic misconduct.

Your report should be only one word document.  Include your data sheets in the report but not as a separate Excel document.  If you wish, you may copy and paste the individual tables from the data sheet into the specific tasks rather than attaching to the end of the report.  It is highly likely a part of your report will be missed on grading if the report is in two documents. Do not expect the instructor to search for the pieces of the report.  The final report should be submitted on Blackboard.