Effects online learning has kindergarten age students learning performance
-effects online learning has on high school students academic performance
-bullying in school age children and effects on confidence/academic performance

Recall the study discussed in (Chapter 3, Part A video) lecture by Leibert & Baron (1972).
In this study, an experimental design (quantitative NOT qualitative) was used to determine whether viewing aggressive films was linked with an increased willingness to hurt another child.
Unlike Leibert and Baron’s study (1972), which employed a quantitative approach, you will be designing a qualitative study examining the effects of screen time (e.g., TV viewing, cellphones, etc.) on children.
Examples of research topics include, but are not limited to:
• Highschool students’ perspectives of the link between screen time (e.g., social media) and physical activity.
• Workshop Assignment
a) What is the purpose of your study? (2 marks) (e.g. to examine children’s perspectives regarding violent video games and aggression)?
• Workshop Assignment
b) Procedure – Provide a detailed account of how you will carry out your research study. (7 marks total) For this section, make sure to:
Describe your participants and explain how you will recruit them (e.g. age range, classroom members, members of a sports team, etc.) (3 marks)
Select two of the following child-friendly methods discussed in your textbook and explain how you will incorporate them into your study. (4 marks – 2 marks per method)
o Participant Observation
o Photography
o Drawing
o Vignettes
o Participatory Action Research
o Questionnaire
• Workshop Assignment
c) Provide one strength and one limitation of your study. (1 mark for strength and 1 mark for limitation)
d) Explain how you would obtain assent OR consent from your participants. Who are the gatekeepers you would need to contact (e.g., social worker, school board, parents, etc.)? (3 marks)
• Note. The assignment should be a maximum of 2.5 pages double-spaced. Deductions will be made for each half page over the limit.
• Please use full sentences. Marks will be deducted for bullet points.

This is what I did already:

Studying the effects of online learning and its effects on high school students’ academic performance
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects that online learning has on students academic performance
1 class per grade (120 students)
Age range 14-18
Participant observation- observe students’ work habits, review grades, general observation of students’ work (screen recording???)
Questionnaire – questionnaire about how students feel about their academic performance
Strengths & limitations
Can help educators tailor online learning to benefit students
May be difficult to …
Go through the school board
Must have guardian permission for students under 18
Students 18 years of age can consent for themselves