You will develop an Excel spreadsheet with 5-year trend data on a variety of key performance indicators and budget items showing the financial status of the selected institution. The US Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics coordinates the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys every year. The IPEDS surveys are federal requirements of all institutions that receive Title IV aid. IPEDS data are especially helpful for enrollment and budget analysts to compare their own institutions with comparative peer institutions. Use link: Retrieving IPEDS Data for Selected Institutions in the Learn section for a helpful video tutorial with the step-by-step instructions. In this assignment, you will download data that are publicly available from IPEDS (if you cannot locate the information from your own institution’s website). Use the most recently available 5 years of reported data for the following most important key performance indicators and budget data that must be included in the spreadsheet: 1.Fall Enrollment Enrollment of first time in college (FTIC) students Enrollment of new transfer students Total undergraduate enrollment Total graduate enrollment Full-time enrollment Part-time enrollment Grand total enrollment 2.Retention Rates Full-time retention rate Part-time retention rate 3.Completions Bachelor’s degrees Master’s and doctoral degrees combined Grand total completions 4.Graduation Rates 150% of normal time 5.Student Financial Aid and Net Price Number of undergraduate students awarded federal, state, local, institutional or other sources of grant aid Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal, state, local, institutional, or other sources of grant aid Average amount of federal, state, local, institutional, or other sources of grant aid awarded to undergraduate students Number of undergraduate students awarded federal student loans Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal student loans Average amount of federal student loans awarded to undergraduate students 6.Frequently Used/Derived Variables

Page 2 of 2 Total price for in-state students living on campus Total price for out-of-state students living on campus 7.Finance Revenues i.Tuition and fees ii.Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises iii.Total operating revenues iv.Gifts, including contributions from affiliated organizations v.Total nonoperating revenues vi.Capital grants and gifts vii.Total all revenues and other additions Expenses and salaries and wages by function and total expenses by natural classification i.Instruction current year total ii.Research current year total iii.Public service current year total iv.Academic support current year total v.Student services current year total vi.Institutional support current year total vii.Auxiliary enterprises current year total Endowment assets i.Value of endowment assets at the end of the fiscal year Assets and liabilities i.Total assets ii.Total liabilities Plant, property, equipment i.Total for plant, property and equipment ii.Other capital assets – ending balance You are welcome to provide additional information as a means of preparing broader context about the institution. Because of the amount of details required for this budget assignment, it is recommended that you use multiple worksheets within the same Excel file instead of placing all the data into the same worksheet.