Develop an outline Business Case for the below project

Project title: WEBSITE SET UP: Set up a website for a student society in Salford University (3 months project)

You need to develop an outline business case and a project plan for (WEBSITE SET UP: Set up a website for a student society in Salford University (project duration is 3 months)seeking justification on why this project should be approved.  Your business case and project plan should satisfy all the criteria as listed below. All areas should focus on how the project can deliver change and deliver value to stakeholders

Topics /areas to be addressed in the business case:

  1. Project mission; Aims and Objectives (500 words and 3 references)
  2. Stakeholder expectations and engagement management (500 words and 3 references)
  3. Performance Measurement and Management of Quality (500 words and 3 references)

Report Structure:

  • No cover page, no introduction, no conclusion
  • Just 3 paragraphs for each area, each area should be 500 words and at least 3 references must be used for each area
  • And a reference page

You will need to take the following into account when completing your assignment.

  • Each topic should be corelated to a relevant Project Management theory, tool or application and be fully referenced;
  • All discussion included will need clarity of argument and relevance to the project’s context.
  • You are advised to use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful
  • Try to use theory explicitly at all stages, but do not spend too much time describing a theory. While you must be explicit about the theories, models, techniques etc. that you use, you can assume that the reader is familiar with them. What the reader requires is evidence of your ability to understand and apply the theory and learn from in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas.
  • Word count 1500 words
  • 9 references