• This assignment is for you to interview an archaeologist by phone and complete a 2-3 page write up of the conversation. You may interview an archaeologist working at a university or in cultural resource management (CRM). CRM archaeologists ensure that development projects comply with government regulations for managing and preserving cultural and heritage resources.
  • You are free to choose the questions you would like to ask your subject, but you should include a question about what pathway lead them to a career in archaeology. I have an open discussion forum on Blackboard where you may all exchange ideas about questions you could use in your interview.
  • Be sure that you are punctual, organized, and that your questions are prepared in advance of your interview. The interview should have a clear purpose, rather than simply being a “fishing expedition” to see what facts you turn up. The purpose might be gaining the unique perspective of an expert in the field, explaining a tricky or technical issue, and/or finding out what projects they are currently working on.
  • Remember that your interviewee is taking time out of their day to speak with you. Don’t forget to send a follow up thank you email after your interview.

You will write up a 2-3-page double spaced summary of your interview including the following:

  • the name, position, and qualifications of the person interviewed
  • date the interview took place
  • a list of the questions you asked, and a summary and analysis of the answers provided by your interviewee. Do not just paste long quotes form your interviewee into your paper.
  • what was the most useful piece of information you took away from this conversation?
  • did your understanding of caree(s) in archaeology change based on your interview?