Group Activity – Human Resource Management #4-7

Studying a Real-Life Situation

Team members will survey their present employment situation for a real human resource management problem, shortcoming, goal, or condition. From the options generated by each individual team member, the team will select one issue to develop. (Consider visiting with your employer executives/key managers/supervisors /human resource staff before submitting your idea to your team.) I need help with a topic, may you provide a suggest?

The team will prepare a one-page summary of the situation and how it impact’s the employer’s short and long-term business objective(s). Would you suggest completing this one-page summary? The team will study this situation for deeper analysis and problem definition, identify best practices, research recommendations, and suggest implementation including a rough budget estimate. The issue must be developed in the context of a real business operation. Your team is invited to submit the issue to the instructor by the end of Unit 5 if you feel feedback is needed on your choice of issue. No one did it and I still do not have a topic, lack of communication, due in two-weeks.

The team will prepare an 8-10 page double-spaced paper that addressed the selected problem including: (5 people in the group, 2 pages each – How would you suggest breaking this up?)

  • Description of the problem/issue (So what?)
  • Alternatives considered (research/best practices)
  • Your proposed course of action
  • The implications of your course of action. Pros and Cons.
  • What are the barriers and supporting conditions? Include the financial requirements of your course of course of action.
  • Implementation plan

Group Work Activity Areas

You have been provided with two areas in the course to discuss and collaborate: A group discussion forum and a wiki collaboration area. Only group members have access to these areas and will be able to see the discussion you have and the work you do within these areas. You are also free to use tools outside of the course, such as Google Docs, Yammer, etc. if your group chooses to do so.

Company: Board of Education

Three different issues to choose from:

  • Recruiting Talented Employees
  • Retaining Talented Employees
  • Workplace Diversity

Which part/section do you think is best to take on, and leave for others to write/complete,

The instructor’s notes to help us get started: I am providing guide questions below for your paper, which I hope can help you:

  1. Provide a brief background of the company.
  2. Describe the problem your group has identified and why you consider it to be HR related.
  3. What are the different solutions your group has recommended?
  4. What has decided to be the best course of action to solve the problem, and why?
  5. What are the implications of your solution? Provide the pros and cons.
  6. Would your solution incur costs? For example, training materials, outside consultants, and other related financial requirements. Provide specific details.
  7. How are you going to implement your solution? Discuss the group’s plan, which could be in a timeline.
  8. Discuss any challenges or barriers to implementing your plan.
  9. How would your group know that your solution is effective? Do you have any parameters for evaluation?